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Spirent TestCenter-API:How to retrieve the Bound Streamblock handles based on the protocols configured.

  • Spirent TestCenter
  • Automation-API
  • PGA

Below is the sample code to retrieve the Bound Streamblock handles based on the protocols (below code will check for BGP,OSPFv3,OSPF )configured.

proc protocol {deviceh } {
puts "*******procedure started***********"
set handles ""
foreach device $deviceh {
puts "********checking for BGP*****************"
set status [stc::get $device -children-BgpRouterConfig]
puts "$status"
if {[regexp -nocase $status matchresult]} {
    puts "Routerconfig Handle are :$status"
lappend handles "," $status
} else {
    puts "Bgp Not configured"
    puts "$device"
puts "********checking for ospfv2*****************"
set status2 [stc::get $device -children-ospfv2routerconfig]
puts "$status2"
if {[regexp -nocase $status2 matchresult]} {
puts "OSPfv2 RouterConfig Handle are :$status2"
lappend handles "," $status2
} else {
puts "ospfv2 not configured"
puts "$device"
puts "********checking for OSPFv3*****************"
set status3 [stc::get $device -children-ospfv3routerconfig]
puts "$status3"
if {[regexp -nocase $status3 matchresult]} {
puts "OSPfv3 RouterConfig Handle are :$status3"
lappend handles "," $status3
} else {
puts "ospfv3 not configured"
puts "$device"
return $handles
package require SpirentTestCenter
stc::perform loadfromxml -filename "SAMPLE.xml"
set device ""
set ports [stc::get project1 -children-port]
puts "Ports handle are $ports"
set i 0
set ports_h [split $ports " "]
set handles1 [protocol $deviceh1]
puts "handles are $handles1"

Product : Spirent TestCenter,Automation,API,Spirent TestCenter,PGA