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TTworkbench: Which Wireshark version is required to use TTsuite-AVB and TTsuite-TSN?

  • TTworkbench 64 Bit, Microsoft Windows
  • TTsuite-AVB
  • TTsuite-TSN
Automotive AVB Conformance Test Suite (TTsuite-AVB) and TTsuite-TSN request a special wireshark installation and setting. 
  • Wireshark 64 bit: Should be downloaded ( and installed on your computer
    • Ensure selecting the following option during installation: Install Npcap in WinPcap API-compatible mode (refer to FAQ18909)
In addition, please ensure that the required Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable is installed on your machine.


In case of any runtime error using jpcap, please make sure there are no incompatible versions of Jpcap DLL's (e.g. 32 bit versions) installed on your computer respectively under any of the following directories on Windows:
C: \ WINDOWS \ Sun \ Java \ bin;
C: \ WINDOWS \ system32;

Product : TTsuites