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PosApp: Can the state of an Interference Signal Generator (Agilent, GSS7765) be displayed in PosApp?

  • PosApp v7.01 onwards
    • SimGEN
  • GSS9000
  • GSS8000
  • Agilent "GSS7765" Interference Signal Generator (ISG)
Yes, from PosApp v7.01 the status of an Agilent "GSS7765" Interference Signal Generator (ISG) can be read from PosApp's System Messages window and the log files

PosApp checks the status of the ISG at regular intervals. If the response from the ISG indicates a problem (anything except +0,"No error"), PosApp reports the response as follows:
  • If the scenario is running, PosApp reports the response as "Error" and the scenario continues running
  • If the scenario is not running, PosApp reports the response as "Fatal" and the scenario cannot be started until the ISG problem is resolved

Product : Positioning,SimGEN,PosApp,Interference