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iTest 7.3 Now Available!

iTest 7.3 Release Announcement
iTest is a key component of Spirent’s Test as a Service (TaaS) platform.  The TaaS platform provides a high productivity solution for Agile development and continuous testing.  It provides automation authoring, execution and reporting all in an automated, on-demand fashion that integrates seamlessly with your DevOps tool chain.
iTest 7.3 has several new usability enhancements for new and experienced iTest users improving the user experience. 7.3 brings enhancements to the Python session making it easier to bring custom Python content into iTest. Our export to Python and Robot Framework capabilities have been boosted through richer debugging capabilities. In addition, 7.3 includes new security testing capabilities with Spirent CyberFlood allowing users to determine real world performance of their security devices. The integration between iTest and Velocity will continue to strengthen in 2019.

Major Python Enhancements In 7.3, Python session enhancements allow users to rapidly bring Python content into iTest giving them greater flexibility. Users can dramatically enrich their test cases by leveraging custom Python content in iTest.
Robot Framework
Debug Reporting
Quickly build Robot Framework test cases using iTest’s keyword generator. In 7.3, debugging Robot test executions is now easier than ever. Robot Framework Debug Reporting enables users to determine root cause of failures by providing detailed archives of automation activity.
Enhanced User Experience iTest 7.3 brings major improvements to the user experience, making iTest easier to use than ever before. Improvements include:
  • Optimized test case display – expand and collapse defaults for procedures
  • Procedure sorting – allow users to rearrange all procedures alphabetically
  • Automatic QuickCall session naming – iTest automatically names the session when creating QuickCalls
  • Pretty Printed JSON Arrays – the JSON array is automatically detected and Pretty-Printed in Response View
  • More Python Interpreter Commands – state and environment information available through a Python Wizard
CyberFlood Session Quickly determine real-world performance and threat mitigation capabilities of core and perimeter security platforms through iTest’s new CyberFlood Session. Easily create complex security device automation through this new powerful iTest session.
Integration with Spirent VisionWorks Python execution and topology support in 7.3 makes the Network DevOps Agent more powerful than ever. Leverage Python scripts in VisionWorks to perform service activation and performance monitoring in production networks.
More FREE Developer Resources
Spirent provides the Developer Community GitHub site.  Get your projects off the ground even faster now! You’ll find iTest drivers, dashboards, startup/teardown and triggered automation tasks.
Additional Resources
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Product : Velocity Core,Velocity iTest,Velocity Portfolio,Velocity iTest,Velocity Core