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Spirent TestCenter: Enhanced L4-7 not working on Spirent TestCenter Virtual - Test has failed. Please check settings and try again.


How to make Enhanced L4-7 to work using STCv (Spirent TestCenter virtual)

You may face this particular issue when STC L2-L3 traffic is working fine, but EL4-7 test is not starting, once test is failed then STC GUI is not letting you to create/modify the EL4-7 test again because it looks like EL4-7 test is not stopping as we can see in Log Window
  • Test has failed. Please check settings and try again

  1. Make sure the VM's meets minimum requirements.
    • Check the following KB as reference: KNI16042 - Spirent TestCenter: Enhanced L4-7 clicking Apply hangs the GUI when using virtual ports.
  2. You can run Enhanced L4-7 on up 2 STCv ports, however there is a STCv limitation in which you can NOT get client and server on the same port group, a single STCv instance has all ports on the same port group, hence you can NOT run a EL4-7 in b2b using a single STCv instance (VM)
    • Clarifying a bit, 2 ports from the same VM can be used to run EL4-7 as soon as those 2 ports are either just client or server (not a combination of both)
      • ALLOWED:
  1. Using a single ports from two VMs (one as a server, and the other as a Client - same as the example above under "ALLOWED" section ), EL4-7 works fine
    • Tested in b2b using 10G and 5.18.0296 

Product : TestCenterIQ / Magellan,L4-7,Data Center,STC Virtual,Spirent TestCenter,HTTP