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SimCHAN: How do I use the AutoSTART feature in SimCHAN?

  • Explain the functionality of SimCHAN's 'AutoSTART' feature
  • SimCHAN v3.03 SR04 or above

To use the current scenario settings with AutoSTART, you must first save the scenario settings to the file 'auto_start_simchan.simchan'; this file located in the SimCHAN directory:

  1. Apply all the settings you require in SimCHAN
  2. Click 'File' -> 'Save AutoSTART settings'
  3. Click 'Yes' in the dialogue box to confirm

The settings are now saved to the 'auto_start_simchan.simchan' file

  1. Click 'Run' -> 'AutoSTART' to turn on AutoSTART

AutoSTART will now run when SimCHAN is re-opened



AutoSTART lets you automatically start and run SimCHAN using pre-defined settings.

You must set up and save the scenario parameters you want to use before selecting Run-AutoSTART.

Closing SimCHAN does not automatically save scenario settings.

Product : Positioning,SimCHAN