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Spirent TestCenter CTS: Install, Open, and Connect Demonstration


This Video Demonstration is a narrated screen cam showing how to download and install the Spirent TestCenter Conformance Application, and Test Packages. You can download both of these from the Spirent Customer Service Center (CSC, The Conformance Test Packages installation includes all the currently offered Test Suites; once you connect to the chassis your license will determine which ones you can use. The Video Demonstration will also show how to open the Spirent TestCenter Conformance Application, Connecting to a Chassis, and, reserve and configure the physical Test Ports. Also to perform such tasks as determining your chassis serial number, verifying your licenses, and resolving issues with the firmware (i.e., how to load the stc test package firmware).

Course: Essentials of Spirent TestCenter Conformance Testing (CTS)
Series: Essentials of Courses

Run Time: 5 min


Product : L2-3,Conformance Test,CTS,Spirent TestCenter,IP