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Spirent TestCenter: How do I configure a single DHCPv6 IA_NA and-or DHCP-PD IA_PD options to be sent in a single Solicit message?


Spirent TestCenter: How do I configure a single DHCPv6 IA_NA and-or DHCP-PD IA_PD options to be sent in a single Solicit message?

Note: to configure Spirent TestCenter to request more than one DHCPv6 IA_NA and-or DHCP-PD IA_PD options in a single message please see

SOL12716 - Spirent TestCenter: How do I configure multiple DHCPv6 IA_NA and-or DHCP-PD IA_PD options to be sent in a single Solicit message?

  • Spirent TestCenter
    • v3.80 or higher
    • DHCPv6
    • DHCP-PD

IA_PD = Identity Association for Prefix Delegation
IA_NA = Identity Association for Non-temporary Address (much like option 50 in DHCPv4 to request a specific address)

  1. Either in the Device Wizard or after the DHCP-PD client device block has been created, put the client into "DHCPv6 And PD" emulation mode

  2. On that same device’s row, scroll to the right and configure the address you want requested.

  3. Then when binding the client the IA_ND will also be included in the SOLICIT request.


Attachment Description
Spirent TestCenter 3.95 back-to-back configuration file and resultant pcap.

Product : Access,Windows GUI,Spirent TestCenter,DHCPv6,DHCP-PD