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How to setup the call length of a SIP test on the Avalanche?



Client setup: Use the Phonebook tab on the Client Actions tab to display SIPNG phonebook information.  Then configure SIPNG parameters, such as transport type and call length:

Call Length Min - Avalanche uses a random call length between a minimum and maximum value. Enter the number of milliseconds for the minimum call length.

Double-click in the cell to edit this field. 
Call Length Max - Avalanche uses a random call length chosen between a minimum and maximum value. Enter the number of milliseconds for the maximum call length (must be greater than or equal to Call Length Min).
Server SetupOff Hook Time - The amount of time to handle the call if the call was not terminated by the client. The default minimum is 10000 (10 seconds), and the default maximum is 30000 (30 seconds). The maximum value must be greater than or equal to the minimum value.

Product : Appliance,L4-7,Avalanche,SIP