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Spirent TestCenter: How can I save all my files to another location rather than default when using Linux or Solaris?

  • Spirent TestCenter
  • Linux
  • Solaris

Please look at using the command ln -s <directory> to <target directory>  First create the directory you want for all the logs to go into, then creates the soft t link.

          ln -s Spirent  SpirentTestCenter_logs
          Once completed,  issue the command ls -al this will show "lrwxrwxrwx 1 <user> <user> <date time>  Spirent  -> SpirentTestCenter_logs"

If you do this in another  directory not owned by you make sure you are a member of a shared group with group read/write permissions. 

For more information please do a Man ln in a linux or Solaris environment

Product : Spirent TestCenter,API,Spirent TestCenter,UNIX