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STCLive T&D: Why can't I run an active or coordinated test in STC Live T&D?


These are a few scenarios in which you may not be able to run an active or coordinated test in STC Live T&D and their recommended solutions:

  • After bringing up a Service to test and making the initial connection to the N.E., the Active and Coordinated choices are grayed out.
    This indicates that the Group your user belongs to does not have "Ethernet Active Tester" or "Ethernet Active Low Bandwidth Tester" associated with it. 
    Contact your Administrator to have a Group with those roles assigned to your user.
  • You attempt an Active Test and it fails with: "User permissions do not allow the CIR to be increased above the default CIR of xxx Mbps."
    This indicates that the CIR value of the Service has been set to a value that is greater than the default, and your user does not have the privileges to increase the CIR from the default value.  If the service being tested does not have a CIR setting associated with it (some NOCKT services),the CIR limitation is defined by the T&D Admin – Inventory – Default Service - Service Default CIR setting.
    Contact your Administrator to assign your user's login the permissions to exceed the CIR.
  • You run an Active Test and it fails with: "CONN-TACC-ETH got a DENY (ITSN) /* CIR EXCEEDS LIMIT.  RETRY LATER*/".
    This indicates that there is another test currently running on the STC Live Probe associated with the Switch, and the addition of your test will cause the maximum bandwidth available by the Probe to be exceeded.
    Decreasing the CIR of the test may allow it to run, or you can wait for the current tester to complete their task and try again.
    You can see who else is testing from Utilities - Admin - System Status - Services Under Test.

Product : Access,VW Controller PM Classic,VW Controller T&D Classic,Ethernet Probe