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How do I install or Add Landslide TCL API to a Linux or Windows client PC?



Java SE 6 (1.6.0) is required for the Landslide Tcl API.  The 1.6.0 JRE can be downloaded 
from the Landslide Troubleshoot Java Web Start Problems page or from SUN's Java website.

Once you have installed the Tcl API, go to the Using the Tcl API topic in the Landslide User Guide.

Table of Contents

I. Standalone installation

II. Adding Landslide Tcl API to existing Tcl Installations

III. Upgrade Instructions

I. Standalone installation


If do not already have Tcl installed on your system, you can use our
provided version of Tcl 8.4 that is prepackaged to work with our
Tcl API.

A. Linux Installation Instructions


1. Download Linux Tcl Base Install (linuxtclblend.tar.gz) and Landslide Tcl API Packages/Files (
2. Create a new directory on your computer, e.g. ~/landslidetclapi
3. Extract linuxtclblend.tar.gz to that directory
   a) cd to the directory
   b) gunzip 
   c) tar xf 
4. Extract to that directory
   a) cd to the directory
   b) jar xf  or unzip 
      (You will need either jar utility or unzip utility in your path)
5. Copy jtclsh to landslidetclapi
6. Edit landslidetclapi, setting the api_home and jre_home
   # Install location for tclblend and landslide Tcl API
   # Set these to the location of your tclblend and JRE
   api_home=/home/user/landslidetclapi  <--- Path to your directory
   jre_home=/usr/jre1.6.0_10  <--- Path to your JRE install.
   if needed the Java memory can be increased with:
   export JAVA_MAX_MEMORY=256m

7. Make sure lansdlidetclapi is executable, then run it.

B. Windows Installation Insructions


1. Download Windows Tcl Base Install ( and Landslide Tcl API Packages/Files (
2. Create a new directory on your computer, e.g. C:\landslidetclapi
3. Extract to that directory
4. Extract to that directory
   (you can use a zip utility like Winzip or the jar tool that comes with Java JDK)

5. Copy jtclsh.bat to landslidetclapi.bat
6. Edit landslidetclapi.bat, setting the API_HOME and JRE_HOME

   rem Set this to where you installed Landslide API
   set API_HOME=D:/COTS/tclapi

   rem Set this to where Java/JRE is installed
   set JRE_HOME=c:/Programs/Java/jdk1.6.0_10/jre

   if needed the Java memory can be increased with:
   set JAVA_MAX_MEMORY=256m

7. Run landaslidetclapi.bat

II. Adding Landslide Tcl API to existing Tcl Installations


  If you already have your own Tcl installation, then you can install our Tcl API 
  as a package to your Tcl configuration.  
  Your Tcl must be version 8.4 or later and be compiled to support threading.

A. Linux Installation Instructions


     First follow the Standalone Installation instructions.
     If you want to use our startup script, just change the JTCLSH variable to 
     point to your own jtclsh/tclsh executable.   The script will take care
     of all the setups.   Otherwise, if you need to use your own startup script, 
     three things must be configured.

      1. LD_LIBRARY_PATH must include the following paths:
     2.  CLASSPATH must be set and include the following paths:


     3. TCLLIBPATH must include the following path AFTER your default paths:


     Where JRE_HOME is the path to the Java/JRE installation and API_HOME is the 
     path to the Landslide Tcl API installation (i.e. from step 2 in standalone install)

     Note: Our jtclsh script includes all of these variables, so you can see
           how we did it.

B. Windows Installation Instructions


     First follow the Standalone Installation instructions.
     If you want to use our startup script, just change the TCLSH variable to 
     point to your own jtclsh/tclsh executable.   The script will take care
     of all the setups.   Otherwise, if you need to use your own startup script, 
     three things must be configured.

      1. PATH must include the following paths:
     2.  CLASSPATH must be set and include the following paths:


     3. TCLLIBPATH must include the following path AFTER your default paths:


     Where JRE_HOME is the path to the Java/JRE installation and API_HOME is the 
     path to the Landslide Tcl API installation (i.e. from step 2 in standalone install)

     Note: Our jtclsh script includes all of these variables, so you can see
           how we did it.

III. Upgrade Instructions


You must upgrade your Landslide Tcl API any time you upgrade your TAS!
Just follow this simple procedure:

1. Download and extract Landslide Tcl API Packages/Files ( to your api directory
2. If upgrading from pre 6.5 release using JRE 1.5, you will need to change your 
   JRE variables accordingly and possibly install JRE 6.

Required Linux Libraries (ldd output):

$ ldd tclsh8.4 => /home/tester/tclapi/lib/ (0x40017000) => /lib/ (0x400d7000) => /lib/i686/ (0x400da000) => /lib/i686/ (0x4012a000) => /lib/i686/ (0x4014c000)
        /lib/ => /lib/ (0x40000000)

$ ldd => /usr/jre1.6.0_10/lib/i386/ (0x4000c000) => /usr/jre1.6.0_10/lib/i386/ (0x40031000) => /usr/jre1.6.0_10/lib/i386/client/ (0x06000000) => /usr/jre1.6.0_10/lib/i386/native_threads/ (0x4003d000) => /home/tester/tclapi/lib/ (0x407dc000) => /lib/ (0x4089c000) => /lib/i686/ (0x4089f000) => /lib/i686/ (0x408ef000) => /lib/i686/ (0x40911000) => /lib/ (0x40a48000)
        /lib/ => /lib/ (0x80000000)


Product : Tcl API,Landslide