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Positioning Application: What is the format of the Galileo nav data binary dump files?

  • PosApp (SimGEN / SimREPLAYplus / SimREPLAY)
  • Galileo navigation data
  1. Go to menu [Options-->General Options]
  2. Enable "Dump navigation data"
  3. Run the scenario (normal speed or turbo speed)
  4. For Galileo navigation data, PosApp creates binary files called
        - E1 INAV = "Gal_inav_data_L1_B.bin"
        - E5 INAV = "Gal_inav_data_E5b.bin"
        - E5 FNAV = "Gal_fnav_data.bin"
  5. You can decode the binary files using the following utilities via menu [Tools-->General Utilities]
        - "Galileo Nav Data Extract"

To decode the binary files for yourself, the following explanations are of benefit:-

  • First 1 byte is a navigation data type identifier
    • 00 = E5 FNAV
    • 01 = E1 INAV
    • 02 = E5 INAV
  • The remainder of the file consists of navigation message records of a fixed length, depending on the nav message type:-
    • Each INAV record is 35 bytes
    • Each FNAV record is 36 bytes
  • Each record consists of the following
    • The first 4 bytes is the integer time into run (in seconds)
    • The next 1 byte is the SVID number of the broadcasting satellite
    • The remaining bytes are the navigation message for the specified satellite SVID
      • 30 bytes for INAV
      • 31 bytes for FNAV
  • The MSB of the first byte contains the first bit of the message and the LSB contains the eighth bit.
  • Where the message length is not a multiple of 8 then the unused, least significant bits of the last byte, should be discarded.
  • E1 / E5 INAV
    • Navigation message length = 240 bits (odd+even page)
    • 30 bytes * 8 bits = 240 bits  <-- so no unused bits
  • E5 FNAV
    • Navigation message length = 244 bits
    • 31 bytes * 8 bits = 248 bits <-- so the last 4 bits of the last byte are discarded

    - PosApp also creates binary 'symbols' files for E1 and E5 INAV ("inav_E5B_symbols.bin" & "inav_L1B_symbols.bin").
    - These are discussed separately - see article FAQ10365


Product : SimREPLAYplus,SimREPLAY,SimGEN,PosApp,F/NAV,I/NAV,Galileo