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iTest/Velocity: How to start a service automatically when Linux boots?

  • Spirent iTest
  • Velocity
  • Linux
  • Put the required command into the /etc/rc.local file and it will start up during boot.
    • We need to add the following line to the /etc/rc.local file before the line "exit 0" to start the license server at boot up.
      /<license_server_files_location>/lmgrd -c <license_file_path> -l <debug_log_file_path>
    • To start the Velocity agent add the command:
      /<iTestRT_5.0_location/itestrt --agentVelocityHost <HostName/IP>
    • When the machine is rebooted, the startup script gets executed and the specified services will be up and running.

Product : Velocity Portfolio,Velocity iTest