Spirent TestCenter
Step1: Subscribe to RxStreamSummaryResults to for stream results using below code
set hResultDataSet [stc::subscribe -Parent $hProject \ -configType StreamBlock \ -resultType RxStreamSummaryResults \ -filenameprefix RxStreamSummaryResults \ -viewAttributeList [list MinLatency MaxLatency AvgLatency L1BitRate DroppedFrameCount FrameCount FrameRate]]
Step2: Printing stream results on console
puts "\n\nTest Results" foreach hResults [stc::get $hResultDataSet -ResultHandleList] { # Place the results into an array for easy access. array set aResults [stc::get $hResults] # Use the -Comp32 (32 bit filter used to identify the string identifier). Same number as String Id. in Preview information. puts "\t$hResults\tStream Id: $aResults(-Comp32)\tMin: $aResults(-MinLatency)\tMax: $aResults(-MaxLatency)\tAvg: $aResults(-AvgLatency)" }