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Spirent TestCenter: Why do I get a CTS license warning when I am not using CTS API

  • Version 4.33
  • OS Linux
  • CTS is a sub set of the routing protocol. Because this is a warning it should be ignored.
  • Listing from bll log shows only warning.
    • 14/03/05 13:34:33.767 WARN  3016805264 - fmwk.bll.core.license -
      Flexnet::Checkout() lc_checkout() for feature CTS_ROUTING, version 0,
      license count 1 failed with error -5
    • 14/03/05 13:34:33.767 WARN  3016805264 - fmwk.bll.core.license
      - License check for chassis, feature CTS_ROUTING
      failed with flexlm error -5
    • 14/03/05 13:34:33.767 WARN  3016805264 - fmwk.bll.exception
       - throwing StcException : Chassis license does not contain
      support for feature CTS_ROUTING.  Please obtain license for this feature and install.

Product : Spirent TestCenter,API