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Spirent TestCenter-JTAPI:How to set the de-empasis tab to advanced and to select the type of CFP Interface?

  • Spirent TestCenter
  • Automation-JTAPI
  • Linux OS

Below is the code:

 my @ports = (
                { port=>$dstTgPort, tx_preemphasis_main_tap=>15, tx_preemphasis_post_tap=>5  },
               { port=>$srcTgPort, tx_preemphasis_main_tap=>15, tx_preemphasis_post_tap=>5  },
                my $port = $rt->invoke("stc::get project1 -children-port");
        my @hports= split(" ",$port);
        my $eth = $rt->invoke("stc::get $hports[0] -activephy");
        print "$eth\n";
        $rt->invoke ("stc::config $eth -detectionmode advanced -CfpInterface ACC_6069A");
         my $eth = $rt->invoke("stc::get $hports[1] -activephy");
        print "$eth\n";
        $rt->invoke ("stc::config $eth -detectionmode advanced -CfpInterface ACC_6069A");

Product : Spirent TestCenter,Automation,API,Spirent TestCenter