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Spirent TestCenter: Spirent 2.5/5.0G solution for Wireless

Spirent TestCenter
Module - DX2
  • Built on N-Base-t specs, Auto-Negotiation/speeds can manually be configurable.
  • Ships with 5 speeds (100/1/2.5/5/10)
  • All traditional test cases from stc are supported to qualify switch platform /features.
  • Platform benchmarking - RFC 2544, 2889 and 3918
  • Traditional L2/L3 protocols benchmarking.
  • Access protocols DHCP/PPPOe/ANCP and authentication over 802.1X(PEAP/MCHAP2/ etc)
  • Traffic generated by access point( Wave 1/ wave) over the copper wire toward the switch would be considered between 2 to 5Gigs.
  • Spirent emulated host would generate the same traffic to qualify the new switch platform.
Useful information at blog-

Product : Spirent TestCenter,DX2