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Spirent TestCenter: Is STCv supported on AWS?

STCv (STC Virtual) on AWS EC2 instance with a provided AMI
There should be some AMIs already available in the marketplace, if an specific version (not available in the AWS marketplace) is needed, please contact support to check availability.
  • STCv AMI private image might be shared to Amazon AWS user. User have to provide us their AWD ID#. This image is not posted on CSC.
  • STCv supports C5.X instances types using AWS ENA and STCv in DPDK mode. C5.L - 9 instances types have a physical network speed limit of 10G.
  • For Amazon AWS 25G support, STCv AMI DPDK Mode driver needs to support C5N.L - XL instances types, which have a physical network speed limit of 25G. We do not currently support the ENA for C5N instances types.
  • We recommend minimum 2 cores per test interface and minimum 2GB RAM

Product : STC Virtual,Spirent TestCenter