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Spirent TestCenter: How to configure STC BGP router to withdraw routes periodically?

  • Spirent TestCenter Application
  • BGP
  • Routes Withdraw
  • Once you have BGP configuration working, open the Command Sequencer tab at the right of Spirent TestCenter Application.
  • Once the Command Sequencer menu is open, you can pin it to Spirent TestCenter Application.
  • Hit the Edit Sequence… button in order to add commands.
  • Edit Sequence… button you will open a window including all the possible commands to configure.  You can look one by one in the tree menu or search for an specific word using the Node Filter text box.
  • Select the command you want to add to the sequence and click the Add new command to sequencer button.
  • If you double click on a command after adding it, you can edit it.
  • Once you have the commands in the sequencer list you can use the Move Up and Move Down buttons if you want to modify the commands sequence.
  • Also you can add loops using the Add commands To button.
PFA a sample Back-to-Back configuration file I created using the following commands and configurations in Command Sequencer.
Command Configuration
Start Capture Default
Start Devices Default
Routing: Wait For Router State Default
Loop Looping Options: Fixed
Number of Loops: 3
BGP: Withdraw Routes Percent: 20
Wait 10 Seconds
BGP: Readvertise Routes Default
Wait 10 Seconds
Stop Capture Default
Stop Devices Default

Withdraw routes, readvertise routes and both wait commands after them are inside the loop, which means STC will repeat this commands 3 times.

Product : Routing,Spirent TestCenter,BGP