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Spirent TestCenter: Does spirent DHCP server support assign address based on relay gateway ip?

  • Spirent TestCenter
  • Address Assign Strategy
  • DHCP server
  • Relay Agent
  • RA
  • Relay Agent IP Address
Yes, using Gateway Address Assign strategy it will use Relay Gateway IP address (giaddr) to assign addresses from different/specific pools

Steps to configure it:
  1. Under Devices > DHCP Server tab, activate DHCP server for the device on STC that will act as a DHCP Server
  2. Change Address Assign Strategy to: Gateway Address for that DHCP Server
  3. Click on “Edit Relay Agent Address Pools and use +Add button to add the pools you want:
  1. Hit APPLY
  2. Then Start DHCP server and bind the devices, hence you will see DHCP server (STC) will use giaddr = Relay Agent IP address on the relay agent packet to assign IP 


Product : Spirent TestCenter,DHCP