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Spirent TestCenter: Why TestCenterIQ reports generated show no unit on the columns?

  • Spirent TestCenter
  • TestCenter IQ
  • TCIQ
  • Report Generation
  • Units

The fact that the report generated by TestCenterIQ doesn't include the units (like: frames, fps, bps) even when the LIVE results show them is working as design, the report uses the column name.


You may find some views that looks like display the units for some columns (Like IEEE 802.11 results image example below) because that is actually the name of the column. The others are determined so they are added to the table dynamically. So that was the design for reports.
We can see that could be helpful. It is probably more of an enhancement request, so in case you want the units to be added into TestCenterIQ reports and Idea! needs to be submitted. 

Product : TestCenterIQ / Magellan,Spirent TestCenter