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Doc ID: FAQ19839
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Spirent TestCenter: Why my configuration is grabbing 4 ports if I have only 2 ports on it?
Spirent TestCenter
Per port group reservation
Per port reservation
To be reserved
The reason for this is most likely because the port reservation is per Port Group. Depending on the card is how the ports are grouped into “port groups”, like in the snapshot below (for an FX2-10G-S16), you can see the ports are grouped by 4, being port 1 - 4 on port group 1, port 5 -8 on port group 5 and so on.
This way if I select/reserve just port 1 on my config, you can see all ports belonging to the same port group will appear as “To Be Reserved”. In this scenario, the only port that will show up on your configuration is port 1, because is the only one you are selecting, however, the other ports will be reserved for you as well, there is no way for another user to use another port on the same port group as you at the same time.
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Product : STC Virtual,Spirent TestCenter,Port Issues
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