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Spirent TestCenter: What mechanism's are available to capture a time of day for a specific error type?

What mechanism's are available to capture a time of day for a specific error type?
For example:
TOD when out of sequence occurs?
TOD when frame drop occurs?
Unfortunately, there might not be currently a direct way to get the TOD of every event as you mentioned.
On the other hand here are some suggestions that might also work for your case:
  1. You can use your test within a script to keep track of the events that you need, if your config uses the command sequencer this could be pretty easy depending on the case.
  2. You can use chart views to log the counters at an specific rate, however, this have limitations on the time it records (this option has the same principle as the suggestion above)
  3. You can capture the traffic and save it to a PCAP, but this has also a limitation on the number of packets that can be saved, if your rate is high this might not be so useful.
  4. Another option would be using port mirroring in your device and capture the traffic using another PC.

Product : Spirent TestCenter