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Spirent TestCenter: What is the difference between Virtual LabServer, Session Manager, Virtual License Server and Virtual Licensing with AION?

  • Spirent TestCenter
  • Virtual LabServer
  • vLS
  • Session Manager
  • Virtual License Server
  • Virtual Controller
  • Virtual Licensing with AION

Generally speaking, this is the explanation for each:

1.    Spirent Virtual LabServer

Spirent TestCenter LabServer (a.k.a “Spirent vLS” or "LS") is a virtual machine deployed with off-the-shelf hypervisors that provide the solution that eliminates the need for a dedicated test management console computer and supports team collaboration during testing. With this solution, the test logic moves from the local PC to the Virtual LabServer virtual machine. This LabServer is managed through the Spirent application called “Session Manager

The lab server helps in maintaining the session to the Spirent Test Center chassis. The Spirent TestCenter LS appliance is the Spirent TestCenter server. Together, Spirent TestCenter Session Manager and Spirent TestCenter LabServer provide the solution that eliminates the need for a dedicated test management console computer and supports team collaboration during testing. Working through the Lab Server provides mobility to the user since the user initiates the test session from his laptop through the lab server to the STC chassis rather than initiating it directly to the chassis.

This is a graphical representation:

                You can refer to:
•    DATASHEET - Spirent Virtual Lab Server :

2. Session Manager

Spirent TestCenter Session Manager is a separate application automatically installed on your computer when you install the Spirent TestCenter Application, and it is the client software that interfaces with the Spirent TestCenter Application and with the Spirent LabServer.

Session Manager allows you to:

  • Configure, start, stop, and modify test sessions on a remote server
  • Shut down your local computer without interrupting your tests in progress
  • Reconnect to any test session from any computer to view test progress, adjust the test configuration, stop or restart the test, or download test results
  • View test sessions established on the server by other users

3. Spirent Virtual License Server

Spirent Virtual License Server (a.k.a “Virtual Controller”) is also a virtual machine that basically manages/control licenses. The license server is only required if you are using a virtual chassis and it is optional for physical chassis. So, on this VM you install the licenses that serves the virtual ports licenses, hence through the normal GUI the virtual ports would check for licenses needed in bulk through a connection with the License Server.

                You can refer to:

4.    Spirent TestCenter™ (BLL) Virtual Licensing with AION

Spirent TestCenter (BLL) Virtual Licensing with AION has been introduced starting in the 5.18 Spirent TestCenter release, and it is a License Server service available through Spirent AION (Spirent AION is a new central management hub for Network and Cloud testing using Spirent TestCenter Hardware, Virtual and CloudSure solutions)


Product : LabServer,STC Virtual,Spirent TestCenter,Session Manager,License Issues