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Spirent TestCenter: Why is Testcenter IQ taking to much time for results to get updated after stopping traffic or to clear results?


You may find sometimes that TestCenter IQ counters are not being updated "on live", and they are taking to long to update, sometimes more than 3 minutes after clear results, update
results or even after stopping traffic.
  • TestCenterIQ
  • Magellan
  • Enhanced Results

Being subscribed to multiple results on the classic will impact IQ results, especially if you are subscribed to the speedometers, this behavior is expected especially with scale configurations. Basically classic and TesCenterIQ can compete for resources depending on what classic results are subscribed to. DRV results are the worst because then both are trying to write to the disk

If using TestCenterIQ results, make sure to unsubscribe to all classic views.

Steps to unsubscribe to all classic results:
  1. Go to Enable Vies under Change Result View > Manage Views
  1. This will launch this dialog:
    • Just uncheck them all.


Product : TestCenterIQ / Magellan,Spirent TestCenter