Search Result for 'Automation Object Reference'

Spirent TestCenter Automation Object Reference (5.49)

Click Spirent TestCenter Automation Object Reference to open the online format.

Spirent Test CenterTM Conformance Automation Object Reference

Spirent Test CenterTM Conformance Automation Object Reference August 2018 P/N 71-006719 REV�C

Spirent TestCenter-Automation: ERROR:"STCSERVER_RET_ERROR:RuntimeError in perform: Assertion Failed: Referencing a Null object!!! Expression: this File: framework/bll/base/src/scriptable/Scriptable.cpp"

Spirent TestCenter Automation

Video: How to use the IUT automation feature in Spirent TestCenter Conformance Application?
SOL11146 Search this Knowledge Base or visit our website at to download the Conformance Object Reference and Programmer's Guide for additional information.

Spirent TestCenter

Type DOC10031 in the Search Knowledge Base box and press Enter. Automation User Guides • Spirent TestCenter Automation Object Reference (DOC10036) Lists and describes all test configuration objects , command objects , and protocol data unit objects .

Getting Started with the ReST API Application

Chapter 4 contains detailed information about the ReST API. • Spirent TestCenter Automation Object Reference (DOC10036) Contains reference information about the objects in the data model. • Spirent TestCenter (BLL) Virtual Licensing (DOC10638) Describes the virtual port license management move from the Spirent TestCenter virtual machine (VM) [IL] to the Spirent TestCenter application [BLL].

Spirent TestCenter Software and Hardware Release Notes 4. 91

Spirent TestCenter user documentation is available in PDF and Webhelp formats. Note: The Spirent TestCenter Automation Object Reference is available in HTML format in this release. The PDF format will be available again in the next release.

Spirent TestCenter-JTAPI: Refactoring of Results API get_results()

mode => 'port': Refer to GeneratorPortResults/AnalyzerPortResults in the Spirent TestCenter Automation Object Reference manual for other attributes. gen.GeneratorBitRate ana.Ipv4FrameCount

Avalanche™ Installation

• Avalanche Automation Object Reference – Lists and describes all test configuration objects , command objects , and protocol data unit objects . • Release Notes – Contain information that may affect product installation, test configuration, or test results, including last-minute requirements or product changes. It is highly recommended that you review all Release Notes before you install or use any appliance model.

Release Notes

Documentation Location Avalanche Commander Online Help Commander “Help” menu Avalanche Analyzer Online Help Analyzer “Help” menu Avalanche URL Trace Tool Online Help URL Trace Tool “Help” menu  Scripting API for the Layer 4- 7Application Reference Manual (for Legacy Tcl API)  Avalanche Automation Programmers’ Reference (for Next Generation Tcl API)  Avalanche Automation Object Reference ( for Next Generation Tcl API)  Avalanche Installation Guide  Spirent TestCenter™ C1 Installation Instructions  Spirent TestCenter C1Quick Reference  Spirent TestCenter C100 Installation Instructions

Spirent CloudStress Automation

Such objects are referenced in MethodologyCenter tests to collect various metrics during the test execution' allOf: - $ref: "#/definitions/BaseModel" - type: object properties: ip: type: string description: 'Hypervisor IP address' uuid: type: string description: 'Unique external identifier of the resource' cloud_id: type: string description: ' Reference to cloud ID' is_rediscovery_required: type: boolean description: 'Indicates whether the resource have to be rediscovered before the test ...

Spirent TestCenter Automation Programmer's Reference (5.47)

The Spirent TestCenter API supports a rich hierarchical object oriented model for control of the SpirentTestCenter system. The object hierarchy is a tree structure with the root of the tree anchored at the "system1" object. Objects can be manipulated through a small set of commands and are referred to by system generated handles.

Spirent TestCenter Conformance Automation Object Reference (4.00)

Spirent TestCenter Conformance Automation Object Reference (4.00)

Spirent TestCenter™ Automation HLTAPI Programmer’s Reference

However, only HLTAPI -supported features can be automatically scripted. Also, the arguments of the high-level APIs do not have a one -to-one correlation with Spirent Test Center’s native API objects , so some functions and arguments are not supported by Save as HLTAPI. In these cases, you can modify the script manually.

Spirent TestCenter IQ Automation Reference

3 Connect the Spirent TestCenter chassis to the DUT/SUT. 4 Initialize the Spirent TestCenter API to establish the object set context. 5 Create a project object and set the project attributes.

Spirent TestCenter IQ Automation Reference

Spirent TestCenter IQ Automation Reference

Spirent TestCenter Automation HLTAPI Programmers Reference (5.47)

The Spirent TestCenter Automation HLTAPI Programmer’s Reference functions as a

Spirent LandslideTM Automation HLAPI Command Reference

Spirent LandslideTM Automation HLAPI Command Reference February 2013 PN 71-006XXX Rev A

Spirent TestCenter Automation HLTAPI Command Reference (5.51)

Click Spirent TestCenter Automation HLTAPI Command Reference to view the online format.

Spirent TestCenter - Automation: crash when modifying "DetectionMode" to MANUAL in object "ethernet40gigfiber"

Landslide: TCL automation under linux—cannot open shared object file or or

Spirent TestCenter-Automation:Error Occured while loading the Spirent Automation Internal Utility Library (couldn't load file "/home/USER NAME/spirent/API/Spirent_TestCenter_4.xx/Spirent_TestCenter_4.xx/Spirent_TestCenter_Application_Linux/": cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory).invalid command name "stc_int::salGet"

% package require stc Error Occured while loading the Spirent Automation Internal Utility Library (couldn't load file "/home/USER NAME/spirent/API/Spirent_TestCenter_4.xx/Spirent_TestCenter_4.xx/Spirent_TestCenter_Application_Linux/": cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory).

LandSlide Automation: Error occured while executing script ( cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)

LandSlide Automation

Spirent TestCenter Automation Programmer's Reference

Related Documentation l Spirent TestCenter Automation Object Reference Contains reference information about the objects in the data model.

Spirent TestCenter: Automation- What are the objects used to configure LDP LSPs?

Spirent TestCenter Automation LDP LSP

Spirent TestCenter Automation HLTAPI Robot Keywords (5.49)

The Spirent TestCenter Automation HLTAPI Keywords Reference provides detailed information about Spirent HLTAPI keywords for ROBOT Framework, a Python-based, extensible keyword-driven test automation framework for end-to-end acceptance testing and acceptance-test-driven development (ATDD). The target audience is test specialists who use Robot Framework to run automation tests with Spirent TestCenter and the related hardware.

Spirent TestCenter - Automation: How to get ping results from "PingStart" command?

This command is used in UI ping dialogue. So you will need to check the “PingReport” object when executing the “PingStart” command in order to check the results: automation -html/PingReport.htm

iTest: Flash or Flex automation using embed/@src tag

<body scroll='no'> < object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" id="explorer" width="100%" height="100%"

iTest: Java Applet automation

You need to select the third option in the Swing session profile i.e. “Launch a custom application” and specify the bat file location with the URI to be used to launch the applet (This is the same URI used with appletViewer command from command line to launch the application) I have attached a sample session profile, bat file (in txt format) and policy file for the reference .

Spirent TestCenter - Automation: How to configure RFC2544 with IQ results in Python?

Attached is a sample script that shows how to configure an RFC2544 test with IQ results in Python. Note1: The subscription to the IQ results MUST be done after attaching the ports Note2: For the approach taken in the script, you need to edit the "ResultsOption" attribute of both "rfc2544throughputconfig" objects (one for the main routine and othe for the cleanup) and set it to "ENHANCED" since the "rfc2544setupthroughputtest" command doesn't have a parameter to select between classic and IQ results

Spirent TestCenter - Automation: How to move to change workspace when using AION licensing?

The command you need is "TemevaSetWorkspace", following is the documentation for it. Object : TemevaSetWorkspaceCommand

Spirent TestCenter - Automation: Sample script for a SIP flow

Attached is a sample script for a SIP flow You can also create your ocnfiguration in the GUI and save it as script, that way you can check what objects are being used.

Spirent TestCenter - Automation: Validation error when creating IPv6 emulated devices

When you create an IPv6 device, you also need another IPv6 interface object (ipv6if) for the link-local. See attached sample script.

Spirent TestCenterTM Automation HLTAPI Command Reference

List of valid PDUs and fields appear in the Notes section for this function. Refer to the Spirent TestCenter Automation Object Reference guide's "Protocol Data Unit Objects Index" section for more information, such as valid values for the given fields:

Spirent Hardware Reference

Automation User Guides l Spirent TestCenter Automation Object Reference Lists and describes all test configuration objects, command objects, and protocol data unit objects.

Essentials of Spirent TestCenter Automation

� Spirent TestCenter Automation Object Reference documentation contains API Object syntax. There is a PDF format a nd a HTML format. A user can choose a format which he likes.

Spirent TestCenter Automation

Additional documentation related to this manual is listed below. • Spirent TestCenter Automation Object Reference (DOC10036) – contains reference information about the objects in the Spirent TestCenter data model. • Spirent TestCenter Automation Programmer’s Reference (DOC10035) – provides information about the Spirent TestCenter Automation API syntax and functions, how- to-use information, and examples of creating and running test configurations.

Spirent TestCenter: How to copy the Device or streamblock objects in TCL API?

CopyCommand can be used to copy the Device/Streamblock object Please refer Automation Object Reference File for more Details. The below example shows

How to connect to a Lab server session as a viewer not as a controller using Spirent TestCenter Automation?

Also, please refer “Spirent TestCenter Automation Object Reference ” document for any additional information regarding the command.