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Doc ID: FAQ18165
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Spirent TestCenter: Why DUT doesn't forward traffic from an unknown source?
Two devices configured on the same Spirent port connected to a DUT port.
Device 1 is on same subnet as DUT port IP address.
Device 2 is on a different subnet but pointing to the same gateway (DUT port) as Device 1.
Traffic from Device 2 is dropped by the DUT.
The DUT needs to know that the subnet Device 2 is using is reachable from that port.
Basically a route to that subnet is needed before the DUT will allow traffic from this subnet to be forwarded.
If there is no route you can also see by enabling debug on the DUT, it will indicate the traffic that is being received is on the wrong wire.
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Product : Routing,Spirent TestCenter,PGA
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