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GNSS simulators, Positioning Application: What is the eCall specification and how can I test my device against it?

  • GNSS simulators
  • Positioning Application, SimGEN, SimREPLAY+, SimTEST
  • PNT TestBench
The eCall specification (ref 1.) provides a comprehensive list of requirements for eCall in-vehicle systems that are mandatory for new vehicles in the European Union from April 2018. Manufacturers face the challenge to design, implement and demonstrate the conformance to agreed performance standards of their eCall solution.

Spirent Communications Positioning technologies offer a full solution to test the ANNEX VI Technical requirements for compatibility of eCall in-vehicle systems with the positioning services provided by the Galileo and the EGNOS systems as outlined in (1.). 

Spirent scenario pack for eCall
The scenario pack for eCall consists of 10 scenarios corresponding to the distinct tests outlined in (1.). Spirent has worked closely with the European GNSS Agency (GSA) and the Joint Research Centre (JRC) to incorporate the guidelines published in ref (.2), ensuring full compliance with the specification.

The implementation notes for the eCall scenario pack can be found at DGP01541AAA Spirent Scenario Pack for eCall and UN-R144 . The scenario pack also supports the extension to eCall testing provisioned by Addendum 143 of UN Regulation No. 144 (ref. 3), which includes GLONASS.

Automated testing 
Spirent's PNT TestBench platform offers the opportunity to fully automate the eCall ANNEX VI tests with the following advantages:
  • Integration of the eCall platform into the test bed
  • Support for both UN-R144 and eCall testing in one solution
  • Full automation of the measurement, guaranteeing consistent and repeatable compliance with the eCall specifications
  • Automatically generated test reports confirming the PASS/FAIL result of the tests as well as additional information describing the performance of the eCall sample.
For further information on Spirent's eCall solution or to discuss your testing requirements please contact .

  1. COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2017/79, Annex VI of OfficialJournalEU_20170117.pdf (available at
  2. “Implementation guidelines for On-Board Unit manufacturers, test solution vendors and technical centres”, EGNOS/GALILEO ECALL CONFORMANCE TESTING IN EU COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION 2017/79, GSA and JRC, 2017
  3. Addendum 143 – UN Regulation No. 144, Uniform provisions concerning the Accident Emergency Call Systems (AECS), E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.3/Add.143 (available at