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Spirent TestCenter: How many power supplies needed in 9U chassis?

  • NG-100G-F2 and CPU5004A
  • Number of other modules.
  • Number of power supplies.
  • In Spirent TestCenter, How many power supply needed when use NG-100G-F2 and CPU5004A in 9U chassis?
  • From Hardware Reference manual, we can only find reference as below item:
  • By indirect reference, we can assume that 2 power supplies are required for all other configurations. 
  • There is also the point that by default the SPT-9000A chassis is always sold with 2 power supplies. You cannot buy a SPT-9000A with only 1 power supply. 
  • From SPT-9000A Chassis Power Supply Installation Instructions document, we can see SPT-9000A chassis includes two power supplies (ACC-9001A) at original, and an optional redundant power supply is third. 
  • So as a conclusion, 9U chassis need two standard power supplies for normally running well by default.

Product : Chassis