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Doc ID: FAQ14400
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GNSS Positioning Simulators: Can I use a GPIB to USB converter to control my simulator with a laptop?
All Spirent simulators fitted with a GPIB interface that are compatible with PosApp- GSS7700 /GSS7800 / GSS7790 / STR4760 / STR4650 / STR4790 / STR4780
Single channel Simulators that use direct commands such as the GSS5300 / GSS6300 / GSS4100
It is possible to use a National Instruments GPIB to USB converter cable in order to communicate with a Positioning simulator from a laptop or a PC which does not have a National Instruments GPIB interface card fitted.
This type of converter cable has been used to communicate from a Laptop or PC using a USB port to a Simulator whilst conducting the customer calibration procedure or sending direct commands.
Spirent have not done any extensive testing to prove that a Simulator can be controlled reliably for a prolonged period when running scenarios.
Please see below one example of a GPIB to USB converter cable which is used by Spirent.
Fig 1. GPIB to USB converter cable Fig 2. GPIB connector with NI part number.
Publish Date
Product : GSS6300,STR4790,STR4780,STR4760,STR4750,GSS7790,GSS7700,GSS7800,GSS7900,GSS8000
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