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Spirent TestCenter: If the Neighbour Solicitation from the DUT is sent using the global IPv6 address will Spirent TestCenter respond back with global IPv6 address or link local address?

  • Spirent TestCenter

  • All Versions

  • IPv6

  • ARP/ND


Spirent TestCenter device block will respond in kind.  That is if:

  1. It receives an Neighbour Solicitation from a Link Local address then the Neighbour Advertisement will be from its Link Local address and

  2. It receives an Neighbour Solicitation from a global address then the Neighbour Advertisement will be from its global address.

The stack does source address selection (choosing an appropriate source address to use based on the destination of a packet) when sending the Neighbour Advertisement.

From the below pcap, since the source IP for Neighbour Solicitation is a global IPv6 address, the Spirent TestCenter device responds with its global IPv6 address (2nd point).

Product : Spirent TestCenter,Spirent TestCenter,IPv6,ARP